Helpful Links

ClassLink will allow your child to access most of the resources that they use at school.  Below is the username/password format that should be used to log in.

Username- your child's identification number (starts with 65)

Password-w followed by birth month/day/year  Example w03312010


FOCUS will you to monitor your child's grades and receive school information.  

Username- your child's identification number (starts with 65)

Password-w followed by birth month/day/year                        Example w03312010


Through Renaissance Home Connect, you can view your child's AR tests. You can also see their progress towards their AR goal. Want to get emails about your child's AR progress ? Sign up through Home Connect using your child's username and password. Please call your student's school if you have questions.


The FSA portal provides resources and information about the state assessments.  Students will be assessed in grades 3-5.